南投 / 松柏嶺
漸入佳境 - 翠玉
○ 輕發酵帶有花香調性,茶湯清甜甘潤,回味無窮。特色是清香撲鼻 適合冷泡。剛入口的茶湯清爽,越喝越覺得回甘,滑順餘韻 久留口中。
○ 適用對象:給期許一切會越來越好的人。
○ 軽く発酵させ、花の香りの性質をもつ、茶湯は爽やかに甘潤、奥深く計り知れない味わい
○ 適用対象:すべてがますます良くなることを望む人に
Nantou / Sung Po Ling
Getting Better - Green Jade
○ Lightly fermented, the smell of tea is flowery. Flavored fresh and sweet, the tea has a sweet and endless aftertaste. Its characteristic is fragrance which suits the cold brewing.The tea tastes fresh when its slides in the mouth but hit back with sweet aftertaste staying loner bringing a smooth and elegant flavor.
○ It is a blessing gift for people who expect to get better and better.