
東方美人採收於炎夏的六、七月 ,也是農曆芒種至大暑間​,因小綠葉蟬叮咬 ,葉子呈紅褐色,葉緣微微捲曲,即是所謂的「著涎」​,著涎讓茶葉產生了天然的蜜香味。​
東方美人是半發酵烏龍茶中,發酵程度最高的,​因高發酵加上輕焙的製作工序​,茶湯口感融合了花香、熟果香,還帶有蜂蜜的甜韻。 ​





Oriental Beauty
New Taipei City / Pinglin

Oriental Beauty harvest in the summer of June and July, between the lunar calendar of Corn on Ear and Great Heat. Due to the bites of the smaller green leafhopper, the leaves are reddish-brown and the margins of leaves are lightly curled, which is the so-called “infestation”, making the tea produce natural honey flavors. Oriental Beauty Tea has the highest degree of fermentation in semi-fermented tea. Because of the high fermentation and the light roasting process, the tea soup has a blend of floral and ripe fruit flavors with the sweetness of honey. In order to make the smaller green leafhopper grow well, pesticides must not be used in the production process, so the production is scarce, which is the reason why Oriental Beauty Tea is so precious.